Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Only HE Can Do The Miraculous!!

Today I am reminded of the song that we sing . . . .YOU ARE GREAT, YOU DO MIRACLES SO GREAT. THERE IS NO ONE ELSE LIKE YOU!!! We have been experiencing some incredible services at Bayside. . .new people every service. . .people so touched by the awesome power of God. We have prayer on Tuesday nights. Last night I was touched just walking around the sanctuary praying and seeing the miraculous that God has done at Bayside!! Seeing the precious people that were there praying and touching God. Many of their testimonies came to me and the miracles that God had performed in each life! The door opened and in walked a Mother and her twenty something son who was baptized last week . . . what a miracle . . . knowing the prayers that were prayed for him!! To God be the glory!! Seeing people who were delivered from so many different things. . . people that are overcomers. . . crying out to God. . worshipping and praising Him for victory! At the end, one lady came to me talking about a young lady who was in one of our Connect Groups on Monday night. She was telling me about how God was using her to minister to her and others who used to hang with her in a gang. . . .now she is ministering to them about God's delivering power!! Yes, God is awesome. . . .He is in the life changing business. . .a miraculous God!!! There is nothing impossible with our God!! He is so deserving of the praise when we sing . . . . .

"You deserve the glory and the honor, So we lift our hands in worship and we praise your holy name. You deserve the glory and the honor, So we lift our hands in worship and we praise your holy name.

You are great, You do miracles so great. There is no one else like You, there is no one else like You. You are great, You do miracles so great. There is no one else like You, there is no one else like you!"


Mark Pryor said...

Awesome testimony and I agree, it's a great song.

Gayla said...

On March 9, I posted the words to this same song... for He is truly working miracles in my neck of the woods, also!!! He IS great!!

(See you next week!!)

Linda Elms said...

Oh yes! He is doing great things! I enjoyed this post. We're in this together!!

iluv2prshim said...

"A good report makes the bones fat." Thanks for sharing your good news with all of us. :)

Jana Allard said...

This song has special meaning to our family. Our little girl had anemia and her blood count was dangerously low. In one of our services, the praise team began to sing this song. My husband went and picked up our little girl, held her close to his chest and began to walk the aisles. He finally stopped at the altar and held her there. Of course, our church knew her condition and everyone began to fervently pray. She was healed that night. Yes, God does miracles so great.

Krista said...

Awesome!! I love this song!! This song makes me want to cry everytime we sing it. God does do miracles SO great!!

Tracie Smith said...

Incredible report! When people care enough to attend prayer meetings they are really interested in God. Kent says he judges the size of our church not by our Sundy morning crowd which is largest but by our Saturday evening prayer meetings. Thanks for sharing the miraculous.

Debbie Pryor said...

God's miracles are truly amazing, and His greatness is incredible. This is a great post!